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Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting



As a year-long technology trial, in February 2025, we installed high-speed wireless internet throughout our Lima - Mike Lane hangar to enable pilot tenants to access the internet without using a cellular connection. 100 mbps down & 20+ up throughout the building! We think this will enable remote engine pre-heaters and other monitoring devices, make database updates easier, and filing last minute flight plans faster than before!

North Fox Island.jpg

The parking area on North Fox Island , south of Beaver Island


A good friend and I used the great flying weather of October 2024 to fly to an uninhabited island in the North part of Lake Michigan. It was as fun as it sounds! The Michigan DNR owns the island. The Recreational Aviation Foundation maintains the grass strip. Tucked in the bushes were two kayaks we took out into the (pretty cold) lake. We ate a snack, then continued our day trip to overfly the bridge over the Straits of Mackinac. We will be back to camp out overnight soon again! 


After more than 10 years in the Twin Cities area meeting pilots and general aviation-type businesses, we are ready to offer consulting services and aviation support beyond hangar rentals. Book online to meet with us to talk through your specific plan to use your airplane and we will point you in the right direction of possible hangar availability, the best places for airplane maintenance, and other local area tips to get the most out of your flight training and aircraft ownership!  

Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting

In May 2024, we had the JFM Hangar maintenance team go through and inspect each hangar door. No cable systems needed replacement this time around, but they made adjustments and lubricated the doors to keep them moving up and down easily! 


Later in the summer, in July of 2024, we used the time between hangar tenants to clean one stall and then coat the flooring with asphalt sealant. This gave the hangar floor a more uniform look despite some parts of it being new asphalt and other areas older, and will protect the floor a bit better going forward. 


My super cool wife gave me a gift certificate for 3 helicopter lessons from AV8 for my birthday in the fall of 2023! It was eye-opening the different perspective I got from flying out of Flying Cloud Airport like I usually do, but having to use all new procedures and certainly different flight control coordination.


It was nice to have a very patient instructor who would have been good enough to turn me into a helicopter pilot, if only we had about 18 more lessons or so! In the 3 short lessons I did get to  hover for short periods of time, got to try out an auto-rotation, and saw the ground go by at about 50 knots!

One of AV8's Guimbal Cabri G2 helicopters

Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting

In the summer of 2023, I was looking for new places to fly and my nephews had new passports they wanted to try out. We picked Labor Day weekend to explore Winnipeg. 


I ordered a DHS sticker, downloaded Canadian charts, and logged into eAPIS. All very doable using an AOPA guide and making sure you have time to plan. Easy landing in Canada, and easy landing back in the U.S. We picked Duluth as our first stop back since they have a border patrol station right there.

Yes, we got some skateboarding in (not me though)! 

Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting
Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting

The roof professional refurbished by Hurd Maintenance

We sold our 10-stall hangar at the start of 2021. This gave us additional capital to continue making improvements to our remaining hangar and funded our Cessna 172 engine overhaul.


In the fall of 2021, we turned our attention to the roof of Hangar 58C. We repaired multiple skylights that needed attention and had the Hurd Maintenance team move forward with a complete roof refurbishment, using material and techniques tested out the summer before on a part of our now-sold hangar. We are confident these maintenance events will keep your airplane dry and safe during all seasons.


Up on the roof...before the roof or skylights were redone

Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting
Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting

As preventative maintenance, we resealed all the skylights on our bigger hangar and tested a new roof sealant on part of the roof. We'll see how this works before possibly applying it everywhere else.


We also replaced old asphalt flooring in two hangar areas. The new asphalt will allow aircraft to get pushed in and pulled out of the hangar much easier and fixed some long standing issues with the old floor surface.

The Hurd Maintenance team making sure the roof is good!


In the depths of the Covid-19 quarantine in April of 2020, my high-schooler, Jake, came to me and asked for flight lessons, since his activity schedule had all but been obliterated and he needed something to keep him busy. I knew he was serious when I told him we'd have to do most of the lessons before I started work at 8am and he agreed!


Within the months of April and May, he went on to complete online ground school, get his medical, and progress well enough to fly three touch-and-go's on his own at Glencoe (KGYL). They looked pretty good! 

Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting
Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting

My son, Jake, and I after he solo'ed at Glencoe MN

Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting

In the winter of 2020, Modern Avionics, on the East side of the airfield, replaced the original radio switch box in our 1976 C-172 with a proper audio panel, along with swapping out one of our two Narco radios with a Garmin GNC 355 radio and GPS unit. Now we can file as a /G and have more approach options! We also gained 10 pounds of useful load by removing the ADF receiver, indicator and antenna. Scroll down to see a partial before picture - when we got the new transponder put in two years ago. 

More options! ... but more to keep current!


Despite each hangar door on Romeo and Sierra Lane getting professionally serviced and adjusted last summer, a brand new tenant called on a Friday evening to let me know the hangar door cable system broke with the door halfway up with his plane now stuck inside. I called our partner repair team at Champion Garage Doors, and their team made the needed repairs that evening. 4 hours from issue reported to resolved.


We want our proactive/preventative maintenance to preclude these types of issues, but things will still break and go wrong. We are pleased we quickly got the door back in action!

Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting
Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting
Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting

In May 2018, we removed and replaced the aging asphalt inside and outside one hangar stall on Mike Lane. The new asphalt will allow aircraft to get pushed in and pulled out of the hangar much easier and fixed some long standing issues with the old floor surface.


Then in late June, each hangar door on Romeo and Sierra Lane got professionally serviced and adjusted. Two hangar doors received all new pulleys and cables. This preventative maintenance let us fix issues before problems arose and allows the doors to move even smoother.

The crew from MN Roadways finishing up!


In February 2018, Flying Cloud Airport filled up with visitors for the Super Bowl.  Here's a view of a taxiway that usually doesn't have jets and turboprops stacked up nose-to-tail!  Between this crush of planes and the snow that has been pretty much a constant this winter - conditions have been less than ideal for winter flying! I negotiated with Thunderbird Aviation to move up my annual inspection.  So at least while the weather's not good, I can get ahead with the inspection!

Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting
Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting


Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting



In early May, each hangar door on Lima and Mike Lane got professionally serviced and adjusted.  Two hangar doors received all new pulleys and cables. This preventative maintenance let us fix issues before problems arose and allows the doors to move even smoother.


Also all hangar doors hinges and trim on Sierra and Romeo Lane were sanded and then painted. While all was serviceable before, we think this restoration work better preserves these exposed parts and makes the hangar look much better!  


Modern Avionics, on the East side of the airfield, replaced our old transponder with an ADS-B compliant one in February 2017.  I test flew it the same day it was done and saw traffic alerts on my iPad.  After the flight, I checked the FAA website and got a report that all parameters passed. It took exactly 3 weeks from my test flight to receive the FAA rebate check. I thought the whole rebate process was pretty smooth.

Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting

ADF + ADS-B = old + new

Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting
Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting

In the fall of 2016, I gave myself a birthday present of float plane lessons from Adventure Seaplanes, flying from Lino Lakes. Now Adventure Seaplanes is based out of lakes further north (and then Florida during the winter months). 


Earning this rating was some of the most fun flying I had ever done! Hardly any radio calls, no ForeFlight - just eyeballing the safety of each lake and then putting the plane where you wanted it. 

As much fun as you'd think it would be!


In the fall of 2016, we teamed up with an Edina High School aeronautical engineering class and showed the students first-hand some of the principles of flight they had been learning. 


Over two different weekends, 19 students got 20-minute orientation flights that departed from Flying Cloud Airport, flew up over Lake Minnetonka, and then back again.  For 16 of them, this was their first time up in a small airplane.  Whoever sat up front got some stick time, too!


Special thanks to Thunderbird Aviation for allowing the students to meet in their facility before and after the flights.

Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting
Pilot, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, Minnesota, Aviation, Hangar Rental, Consulting
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